Feature Job

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Lowongan BRI

PT.Bank BRI (Persero). Born on 16 December 1895 as a small association with responsibility of managing fund of a local mosque, which would than be channeled to the local community through a very simple scheme, a small financial institution called De Poerwokertosche Hulp en Spaarbank der Inlandsche Hoffden started its long History from Purwokerto, Central Java, and became the pedigree of Bank Rakyat Indonesia.

As time passed, the small setup found by Raden Aria Wiriatmadja continued to flourish and meet the need of the community. In the course of its existence, its name was changed several times, beginning with the Hulp-en Spaarbank der Inlandsche Bestuurs Ambtenareen followed by De Poerwokertosche Hulp Spaar-en Landbouw Credietbank (Volksbank), Centrale Kas Voor Volkscredietwesen Algemene in 1912 and Algemene Volkscredietbank (AVB) in 1934. During the Japanese occupation, AVB was changed into Syomin Ginko.

After the Japanese defeat in the Second World War and Indonesia’s independence, the Indonesian Government once again changed the name to Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) on February 22, 1946. Based on Government Regulation No. 1 of 1946, BRI became the first bank to be owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

As a state-owned bank, BRI played a key role in realizing the government’s vision in the development of people’s economy. In 1960, the government change BRI’s name into Bank Koperasi dan Nelayan (BKTN). Based on Law No.21 of 1968, the government renamed the bank BRI and it became a public bank. Later, based on Banking Law No.7 of 1992, BRI had its name and legal status of its entity changed to PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero). With a focus on micro, small and medium businesses, BRI has inspired a lot of other organizations to empower the businesses in these sectors as they are the backbone of the Indonesian economy.

On November 10, 2003, BRI became a publicly listed company and the government divested 30% of its shares to the public. Since the Go Public, the price of BRI’s shares have always increased and are now included in the Blue Chips shares belonging to the LQ45 group. With the public controlling 43% of its shares, BRI’s shares are actively traded in the capital market. Today, BRI stands out as a strong bank in the midst of the Indonesian economy from the villages to the cities.

As a leading bank at this time, BRI provides the opportunity for cadres POTENTIAL candidate to join as a Staff Development Program BRI (PPS BRI). A comprehensive development program designed specifically to prepare a cadre of leaders BRI in the future.


  1. S1/S2 Degree from Accredited Universities are A / B
  2. For the Public PPS graduates from the Faculty / Department: Economics, Law, Engineering, Agricultural Technology, Psychology, Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisipol (Only For the Department of International Relations, Communication Studies, Fiscal Administration, Business Administration, and State Administration), Mathematics and Science (Just for the department of Mathematics, Statistics)
  3. For Auditor PPS graduates from the Faculty / Department: Economics, Law, Engineering, Agriculture, Fisipol (Only For the Department of Fiscal Administration, Business Administration, and State Administration), Mathematics and Science (Only for the Department of Mathematics, Statistics)
  4. For the PPS IT graduates from the Faculty / Department: Computer Science, Information Engineering
  5. S1 GPA minimum 2.75 (PTN), 3.00 (PTS)
  6. S2 GPA GPA of at least 3:25 with the provisions of S.1 min. 2.75 (PTN) & 3.00 (PTS)
  7. Aged max. 27 years (for graduates S1), and max. 30 years (for graduates S2)
  8. Prioritized for those who have never registered as a participant PPS BRI
  9. Willing to follow all stages of selection.
  10. Not Married.
  11. Willing to be placed around the working area of ​​the BRI
  12. Willing to sign a Letter of Agreement with BRI if otherwise accepted as a participant PPS BRI
For the entire selection process is free of charge

For participants who are interested please attend Monday-Tuesday, June 27-28, 2011 Pkl.09.00 Am at Job For Career di Gedung Jatim Expo, Surabaya, with a recent passport photo size of 3x4 colored.
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B. Resident Auditor (RA)

  1. Has experience as Auditor in Public Accounting Firm (KAP) or Consulting Group - Auditor or Internal Auditor Bank / Financial Institution. Minimum 3 (three) years.
  2. Under 35 years of age (not yet 35 years old at the time of application).
  3. Education S2 or S1 from the Faculty of Economics, Law, Engineering, FISIP (Trade Administration), Agriculture and Livestock of the PTN / PTS accredited A / B.
  4. GPA: 
    • S1 min 2.75 (scale 4).
    • S2 3,25 with the provisions of GPA and S1 faculty eligible item 4a.
  5. Mastering English
  6. Placement on Branch Offices across Indonesia, and preferred to be placed on the Branch Office within the Office of Inspection unit of work in the area of ​​origin of applicants.
For the entire selection process is free of charge 
For participants who are interested please attend Monday-Tuesday, June 27- 28, 2011 Pkl.09.00 pm at Job For Career di Gedung Jatim Expo, Surabaya, with a complete CV. For Resident Auditor, you can apply online by click the link bellow.
.......................Online apply
.......................Only available for Resident Auditor Position

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