Feature Job

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Lowongan Huawei Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja Huawei Indonesia. Huawei Technologies is a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider. Through our dedication to customer-centric innovation and strong partnerships, we have established end-to-end advantages in telecom networks, devices and cloud computing. We are committed to creating maximum value for telecom operators, enterprises and consumers by providing competitive solutions and services.

Our products and solutions have been deployed in over 140 countries, serving more than one third of the world’s population.The company is currently experiencing unprecedented levels of sales growth resulting in the need for significant usiness expanssion in the region.

The company hence wishes to appoint highly motivated individuals to move into key roles in the following position within our IRO (Indonesian Regional Office), to ensure continued expansion of the telecommunication solutions business and services in the many years to come.

1. Assistant Structure Design Planning Engineer
Provide hands on for Site design software, structure & foundation within the responsibility of making & monitoring site design drawing as well. Site survey is seen as part of the job.

2. Assistant Civil Mechanical Electrical Engineer
Responsible for a civil work of BTS construction to meet the customer requirements, has knowledge and experiences in CME field.

3. Assistant Survey Design Engineer
Installation and supervision management, surveying and clarifying about the equipment’s position and make a survey report as the result and sent to HQ to smoothen the delivery of materials. Coordination with customer about their requirements and work closely with the project team to avoid some lack material which is needed in installation, preparing the information of on-site requirement by making the report for customer which is contained of Layout, photos, explanation, scan memo (Minutes of Meeting), etc. Arrange and manage subcontractor to fulfill the standard of customer by following the SOP (Scope of work) which is made by the survey team.

4. Assistant Project Engineer
Cooperate with site teams to make Huawei equipment on air (in service) on time and fulfill customer requirements. Responsible as site engineer including site progress supervision, site survey, problem solving and site access solving.

5. Assistant OSP Engineer
Excellent OSP&ISP design skill for FTTX/ODN physical infrastructure solution design, including programming, fiber system layout, equipment selection, fiber link budget and project scheduling, Examining OSP&ISP design for FTTX/ODN network. Possess a strong awareness of current and emerging industry standards, as well as vendors and technologies as they relate to the FTTX/ODN OSP&ISP physical infrastructure. Excellent project management skill, for subcontractor management, technical support, who has troubleshooting ability to promote project delivery target, furthermore, investigate & auditing all documents made by contractors such as OSP&ISP design and fiber link budget, materials testing report, material property and specification, project design progress and delivery schedule.

6. Assistant Logistic Specialist
Analyze customs policy, import regulations,& favorable policies of particular assign country, formulate a secure, efficient and cost-effective import & export solution and ensure smooth implementation. Responsible for the accuracy, security of inventory, and warehousing management, keep track of international shipping and documents preparation to ensure the on-time arrival of shipments. Responsible for local distribution to ensure timely, secure & efficient delivery with low cost. Managing the inventory data vas CES system (for CES), processing the expense invoice for Logistic Service Provider (for Expenses). Have BTS/Node B/BSC/RNC/Microwave equipments knowledge (preferable from product engineering dept) will be prioritized.

7. Assistant PLN Coordinator
Know clearly Indonesia PLN application flow, understand the elements of electric power, elements of transformer, understand telecommunication site power system and configuration, make coordination with AKLI for power connection.

8. Assistant Legal Specialist
Responsible for legal matters including draft and review commercial contract, agreement, provide legal advice, also for matters that related to industrial dispute, lawsuit and arbitration.

9. Assistant RNP Engineer
Involved in RF Planning & Optimization (RNP/O) of existing GSM, WCDMA & CDMA network, as well to be participate in wireless Delivery project, conducts RF survey, RF Planning, RF Optimization, Customer communication .

10. Assistant TNP Engineer
Responsible for the quality of Microwave Planning including LOS survey, link budget design, MUX planning, frequency planning, TSSR report, and MW swap solution.

11. Assistant Microwave Engineer
Provide Technical assistant and troubleshooting guide, fulfill customer target, subcontractor Training and Management, make sure the stability of Customer Network, to assist and cooperate with related departments to achieve the KPI.

12. Assistant Datacom Engineer
Self development and archive good technical ip and routing skill, provide Technical assistant and Troubleshooting guide, finish project target and customer requirement, subcontractor Training and Management, make sure the stability of Customer Network, to assist and cooperate with related departments to achieve the KPI, good team work in team, good attitude and responsibility.

13. Assistant Core Network Engineer
Responsible for on-site survey, installation, testing, commissioning, maintenance of GSM / CDMA / WCDMA and NGN equipment.

14. Assistant Wireless Engineer
Manage overall the ITC implementation team and as well to perform post-sales project implementation and technical support for GSM / CDMA/ WCDMA BSS.

15. Assistant Optical Network Engineer
Supervise project implementation and ensure the smoothness of implementation technically, capable to understand the network plan, give feedback and make revision if necessary, supervise subcontractors team and avoid any human error accident, interface customer for any technical issue, communicate and cooperate with related department for any integrated deployments.

16. Assistant BSS and VAS Engineer
Mastering Unix/Linux environment, BASH and/or PERL script capability, PL/SQL capability, had strong exposure to main stream RDMS: Oracle and DB2, preferable exposure to Telecom BSS and VAS architecture & technology.

17. Human Resource Assistant/Administrator
Manage and co-ordinate recruitment process, provide routine administrative support including the preparation of correspondence/reports, eg: monthly head count reports. Assist in the day-to-day activities of the human resources department, responsible for other duties or projects, as assigned. Assist with data updates as necessary, prepare and distribute regular reports to HR users to confirm current data and highlight any significant activity.

18. Assistant Project Finance Specialist of Finance Division
You will have to be familiar with economy, accounting, tax, treasury relevant knowledge in which in the incumbent expecting to be performed to support project finance analysis activities (including installation, budget, cost saving).

19. Assistant Financing & Collection Specialist of Customer Financing Division
The incumbent will be work with customer in order to manage the financing of customer projects as well as the collection payment, a relevant knowledge in Finance and Accounting will be required.

20. Assistant Contract Review Specialist
Receive the contract review material, check the correctness of the material according to company requirement, organize contract review according to company regulation, follow up and impel the progress of contract review, guide the Product Manager to prepare the correct contract review material, summarize related contract review information to output the related reports, do the correct quality test base on company regulations.

21. Assistant Purchase Order Specialist
Receive PO from the Product/Service or Account Manager and check the integration and correctness of the application documents, guide the Product Manager or Service Manager to submit application documents according to company regulation, fill in the system according to PO information and organize the PO verification, check the accordance between PO and the frame contract, follow up and impel the progress of PO verification, making related report. Crosscheck PO with customer.

22. Assistant Budget Specialist
Assist to make annual / quarter budget, complete rolling forecast (sales, revenue, profit and collection etc) per month, profit and expense analysis professionally, communicate with other department effectively and push to resolve the problem.

23. Secretary
Responsible for a variety of correspondence, reports, translations and slide presentations, organize and maintain files for departmental correspondence, records, etc., and follow up on pending matters. Schedule appointments and coordinate arrangements for meetings. Prepare regular reports, gathering and summarizing data including information updates, responsible for travel arrangements, Visa applications and travel documentations. Maintain departmental office equipment including fax machines, computers and printer. Maintain departmental office supply including stationary and name cards.

Bachelor Degree in Telecommunication/Electrical Engineering or Civil Engineering or Industrial Engineering (no. 1-7 & 9-16), Law (no. 8) & Finance, Management, Psychology, Secretary (no. 17-23) with GPA 3.00.
At least 1-2 years experience in relevant function will be a highly added advantage
Fresh graduates are welcome to apply

General Requirements:
Fluent in English is a must, and fluent in Mandarin will be a highly added advantage. (For no. 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, Mandarin ability is a must).

Able to work in multicultural and fast changing environment.
Positive attitude, independent, self driven, self motivated and good coordination with others.
Willing to work and travel to all Indonesia regions

We offer a competitive remuneration package commensurate with your experience and competence. Interested candidates seeking for challenging career are invited to submit a detailed resume (include scan copy of transcript, graduation and work certificate not more than 2MB) with a recent photograph, giving current and expected salary, to the following e-mail address.


Only short listed candidates will be notified
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Lowongan PT POS Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja PT POS Indonesia ~ Pos Indonesia is a state-owned enterprises (SOEs) Indonesia engaged in the postal service. Currently, the form of business entity is a limited liability company Pos Indonesia and is often referred to as PT. Pos Indonesia.

Pos Indonesia business form is based on Government Regulation of Republic Indonesia No. 5 of 1995. Government Regulation provides for the transfer of an early form Pos Indonesia in the form of a public company (Perum) to a corporation (Persero).

Pos Indonesia has a Constitution and Bylaws are recorded in Deed Sutjipto, S. H. No. 117 on June 20, 1995, which also has undergone changes as recorded in Deed Sutjipto, S. H. Number 89 on September 21, 1998 and No. 111 on October 28, 1998.

NOMOR: 1963/BANG SDM/0911

  1. NAMA POSISI : Calon Manajer UPT/Fungsional Perusahaan di Divisi Regional dan Kantor Pusat.
    • Memiliki ijazah minimal sarjana setingkat Strata-1 (S-1) dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang terakreditasi dengan jurusan Ekonomi/Bisnis (Manajemen, Akuntansi, Manajemen Bisnis, dan Transportasi), Manajemen Informatika, Teknik (Informatika, Komputer, Sipil, Arsitektur, Industri), Hukum, Psikologi, Ilmu Komunikasi dan Administrasi Niaga. 
    • Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif pada tingkat sarjana setingkat Strata-1 (S-1) minimal 2,75 (Dua koma tujuh puluh lima) . 
    • Diutamakan yang memiliki nilai TOEFL minimal 450 dan bersertifikat tahun 2010-2011 yang harus dilampirkan pada surat lamaran peserta. 
    • Belum berkeluarga kecuali pelamar yang saat ini bekerja di PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) baik karyawan tetap maupun tenaga kontrak karya dan outsourcing. 
    • Diutamakan bagi yang telah memiliki pengalaman kerja atau telah pernah bekerja pada suatu unit kerja institusi/Perusahaan/Lembaga/Kantor minimal selama 2 (dua) tahun yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan atau bukti lainnya dari institusi/perusahaan yang bertalian. Pelamar dari karyawan PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) mempunyai masa kerja minimal 3 (tiga) tahun. 
    • Usia maksimal adalah 30 (tiga puluh) tahun pada tanggal 31 oktober 2011. Pelamar dari karyawan PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) berusia maksimal 35 tahun pada tanggal 31 Oktober 2011. 
    • Membuat Surat Pernyataan Bermeterai Rp.6.000,-(contoh format terlampir) sebagai berikut: 
      • Bersedia mematuhi seluruh ketentuan rekrutmen. Apabila setelah dinyatakan lulus dalam keseluruhan tahapan seleksi ternyata peserta terbukti memberikan keterangan yang tidak benar atau palsu dan tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan administrasi yang ditentukan oleh PT Pos Indonesia (Persero), maka kelulusannya dibatalkan; 
      • Bersedia diterima sebagai Karyawan Tetap PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) pada Grade yang ditetapkan ; 
      • Bersedia membayar biaya ganti rugi sebesar Rp 10.000.000,- (Sepuluh Juta rupiah) apabila mengundurkan diri setelah dinyatakan lulus dalam seleksi tahap akhir; 
      • Bersedia untuk tidak melakukan pernikahan selama masa Program Orientasi Kerja ; 
      • Pada saat melamar peserta harus dalam keadaan tidak hamil dan bersedia tidak hamil selama masa Program Orientasi Kerja (bagi pelamar wanita); 
      • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah Indonesia; 
      • Bersedia menjalani Ikatan Dinas yang ditetapkan oleh PT Pos Indonesia (Persero), dan bersedia membayar denda ganti rugi sebesar minimal Rp. 50.000.000,- (Lima puluh juta rupiah) apabila mengundurkan diri sebelum habis masa ikatan dinas selama 3 (tiga) tahun sejak diangkat sebagai karyawan tetap PT Pos Indonesia (Persero).
    • Tidak sedang dalam proses pengusutan suatu pelanggaran dengan pihak yang berwajib karena tindakan kriminal dan tidak terlibat perkara narkoba atau obat psikotropika lainnya yang dilarang penggunaannya, yang dinyatakan dengan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Kepolisian.
    • Lulus seleksi yang dilaksanakan oleh PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) meliputi seleksi/test :
      • Administrasi
      • Test Potensi Akademik (TPA) dan Bahasa Inggris
      • Psikotest
      • Kesehatan dan Wawancara
    • Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi akan diangkat sebagai calon karyawan dengan grade 11.
    • Selama menjalani masa sebagai calon karyawan diwajibkan untuk mengikuti Program Orientasi Kerja (POK) bagi calon karyawan selama lebih kurang 4 (empat) bulan.
    • Pelaksanaan Program Orientasi Kerja (POK) dilakukan di dalam kelas dan di Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) berupa On The Job Training;
    • Kepada calon karyawan diberikan hak :
      • 80 % dari gaji yang berlaku pada PT Pos Indonesia (Persero);
      • Fasilitas kesehatan, dan uang sumbangan perumahan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku di Perusahaan; 
      • dan hak-hak lainnya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di Perusahaan. 
    • Setelah menyelesaikan masa program orientasi kerja, calon karyawan bersedia melakukan ikatan dinas pada PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) selama 3 (tiga) tahun terhitung sejak diangkat sebagai karyawan tetap. Selama masa Ikatan Dinas karyawan lulusan POK intake Sarjana (S-1) diharuskan menyerahkan ijazah asli dan transkrip nilainya kepada PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) yang akan menyimpannya sebagai jaminan apabila mengundurkan diri sebelum masa ikatan dinasnya berakhir. 
    • Pelamar diharuskan mengirimkan berkas lamarannya melalui kantorpos terdekat menggunakan layanan Surat Kilat Khusus atau Pos Ekspres yang dialamatkan kepada Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia dan Umum PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) c.q. Vice President Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Jalan Cilaki No.73 Bandung 40115 paling lambat tanggal 15 Oktober 2011 (cap pos) .
    • Keputusan / Penetapan hasil seleksi sepenuhnya menjadi kewenangan PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Pengumuman & Surat Pernyataan klik link dibawah
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Lowongan Indosat Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja Indosat ~ PT Indosat Tbk is a leading telecommunication and information service provider in Indonesia that provides cellular of prepaid services (Mentari and IM3) and postpaid services (Matrix), 3G services using HSDPA-technology, fixed data services including Multimedia, Internet & Data Communication Services (MIDI) and fixed voice (fixed telecommunication) services including IDD services and fixed wireless services.

PT Indosat was established in 1967 as a foreign direct investment company to provide international telecommunications services in Indonesia. In 1980, the Government took over full ownership in Indosat, which since operated as a state owned company. The Company went public in 1994, by listing its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX: ISAT), the Surabaya Stock Exchange and its American Depositary Receipts in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: IIT).

As a cellular focused company as well as the second largest operator in Indonesia, Indosat continues to increase our cellular business capability. We continue to be very optimistic about prospects of Indosat. cis-cus originally posts. While we expect competitiveness in the industry will continue to intensify, we are confident that we can continue to deliver an attractive value proposition to stakeholders.

PT Indosat Tbk – a telecommunication services company with leading brands in Indonesia, is in immediate need for highly motivated and qualified professionals staff to be positioned in :

Staff Product Development & Management
Position Requirements
  • Education Background Diploma (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1), freshgraduate or have similar experience with GPA min. 3.00
  • Major : Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information System, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering, Management, Marketing Management, Communication Science, Marketing, Management of Business Information & Multimedia
  • Maximal age 30 in December 31, 2011
  • Able to speak English (oral & written)
  • Has high integrity, good motivation and initiative
  • Able to work under pressure
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • Willing to be located in all INDOSAT operational area
  • Candidate only can apply 1 (one) position
Staff Segment Management
Position Requirements
  • Education Background Diploma (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1), freshgraduate or have similar experience with GPA min. 3.00
  • Major : Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information System, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering, Management, Marketing Management, Communication Science, Marketing, Management of Business Information & Multimedia
  • Maximal age 30 in December 31, 2011
  • Able to speak English (oral & written)
  • Has high integrity, good motivation and initiative
  • Able to work under pressure
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • Willing to be located in all INDOSAT operational area
  • Candidate only can apply 1 (one) position
Staff Marketing Communication
Position Requirements
  • Education Background Diploma (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1), freshgraduate or have similar experience with GPA min. 3.00
  • Major : Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information System, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering, Management, Marketing Management, Communication Science, Marketing, Public Relation, Advertising, Graphic Design & Advertising, Management of Business Information & Multimedia.
  • Maximal age 30 in December 31, 2011
  • Able to speak English (oral & written)
  • Has high integrity, good motivation and initiative
  • Able to work under pressure
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • Willing to be located in all INDOSAT operational area
  • Candidate only can apply 1 (one) position
Staff Distribution & Channel Management
Position Requirements
  • Education Background Diploma (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1), freshgraduate or have similar experience with GPA min. 3.00
  • Major : Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information System, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering, Management, Marketing Management, Communication Science, Marketing, Management of Business Information & Multimedia
  • Maximal age 30 in December 31, 2011
  • Able to speak English (oral & written)
  • Has high integrity, good motivation and initiative
  • Able to work under pressure
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • Willing to be located in all INDOSAT operational area
  • Candidate only can apply 1 (one) position
Staff CRM (Customer Relation Management)
Position Requirements
  • Education Background Diploma (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1), freshgraduate or have similar experience with GPA min. 3.00
  • Major : Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information System, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering, Management, Marketing Management, Communication Science, Marketing, Management of Business Information & Multimedia
  • Maximal age 30 in December 31, 2011
  • Able to speak English (oral & written)
  • Has high integrity, good motivation and initiative
  • Able to work under pressure.
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • Willing to be located in all INDOSAT operational area
  • Candidate only can apply 1 (one) position
Staff Sales Regional Operation
Position Requirements
  • Education Background Diploma (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1), freshgraduate or have similar experience with GPA min. 3.00
  • Major : Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information System, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering, Management, Marketing Management, Communication Science, Marketing, Management of Business Information & Multimedia
  • Maximal age 30 in December 31, 2011
  • Able to speak English (oral & written)
  • Has high integrity, good motivation and initiative
  • Able to work under pressure
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • Willing to be located in all INDOSAT operational area
  • Candidate only can apply 1 (one) position
Staff Corporate Sales
Position Requirements
  • Education Background Diploma (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1), freshgraduate or have similar experience with GPA min. 3.00
  • Major : Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information System, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering, Management
  • Maximal age 30 in December 31, 2011
  • Able to speak English (oral & written)
  • Has high integrity, good motivation and initiative
  • Able to work under pressure.
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • Willing to be located in all INDOSAT operational area.
  • Candidate only can apply 1 (one) position
Staff Sales Engineering
Position Requirements
  • Education Background Diploma (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1), freshgraduate or have similar experience with GPA min. 3.00
  • Major : Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information System, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering, Management
  • Maximal age 30 in December 31, 2011
  • Able to speak English (oral & written)
  • Has high integrity, good motivation and initiative
  • Able to work under pressure.
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • Willing to be located in all INDOSAT operational area.
  • Candidate only can apply 1 (one) position
Staff Interconnection & Voice Wholesale
Position Requirements
  • Education Background Diploma (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1), freshgraduate or have similar experience with GPA min. 3.00
  • Major : Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information System, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering, Management
  • Maximal age 30 in December 31, 2011
  • Able to speak English (oral & written)
  • Has high integrity, good motivation and initiative
  • Able to work under pressure
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • Willing to be located in all INDOSAT operational area.
  • Candidate only can apply 1 (one) position
Staff Business Development
Position Requirements
  • Education Background Diploma (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1), freshgraduate or have similar experience with GPA min. 3.00
  • Major : Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information System, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering, Management
  • Maximal age 30 in December 31, 2011
  • Able to speak English (oral & written)
  • Has high integrity, good motivation and initiative
  • Able to work under pressure.
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • Willing to be located in all INDOSAT operational area.
  • Candidate only can apply 1 (one) position
Staff Network Operation
Position Requirements
  • Education Background Diploma (D3) / Bachelor Degree (S1), freshgraduate or have similar experience with GPA min. 3.00
  • Major : Telecommunication Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information System, Information Technology
  • Maximal age 30 in December 31, 2011
  • Able to speak English (oral & written)
  • Has high integrity, good motivation and initiative
  • Able to work under pressure.
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • Willing to be located in all INDOSAT operational area.
  • Candidate only can apply 1 (one) position
How to Apply

If you need more information about Indosat or the vacancies, don't hesitate to contact us by phone at Hotline Service 021-7180805 (Monday - Friday at 09.00 am - 05.00 pm)

All Applicants will be based in all over Indonesia. Only qualified applicants can apply above opportunities. Please send your resume and application not later than October 30, 2011 to:
Online Apply ~ Lowongan Kerja Indosat
READ MORE - Lowongan Indosat Terbaru

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Lowongan Kerja Batan Teknologi (Persero) Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja Batan Teknologi ~ Established in May 24, 1996 as part of government strategy to build national capability in nuclear industry, PT. BATAN TEKNOLOGI (PERSERO) become the only national company endow with capabilities for producing a wide range of nuclear products, as well as, providing services in nuclear technology application. Combining this capacity with a strong support from BATAN, the Company has been successfully serving national demand for nuclear products and services for both medical and industrial uses, as well as for R & D purposes.

As a consequences of choosing nuclear industry as the main area of business PT. BATAN TEKNOLOGI (PERSERO) has the responsibility to implement all applied nuclear regulation and procedures to meet a stringent requirement to nuclear safety. Together with certified quality procedures practiced at all level, Company operation, they give a guarantee of safe, reliable quality products and services to the customers.

Consistent with its vision to become a prominent national company in nuclear industry in Asia, a strategic policy focusing on a basic competency has been dictating the Company business approaches in the long run. We are confident with this policy, the Company could become a special company representing the country in nuclear business in Asia.

PT. BATAN TEKNOLOGI (PERSERO) offers career opportunities for young and dynamic candidates to fill professional positions:

PT Batan Teknologi currently require young and dynamic candidates to fill professional positions:

Pelaksana Verifikasi dan Pelaporan
  • Education S1 Accounting, GPA of at least 2.75,
  • Graduates of accredited state university with min. B or accredited private university with min. A
  • Maximum age 30 years
  • Have the ability to operate a computer in a worksheet & other reports required in Ms.excel / MS.Word / Other Accounting Software
  • Willing to work overtime if needed
  • Honest, conscientious, disciplined, responsible, hard working & able to work in teams
  • Having the ability to work independently
  • Strong-willed & have a good motivation to work
  • Able to maintain the confidentiality of the Company
Only qualified applicants will be called. Applications received later than October 11, 2011 by submitting a complete application letter to:
PT Batan Teknologi (Persero)
Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gedung 70
Setu – Tangerang Selatan 15314
PO BOX 343 Ciputat 15400
Lowongan Kerja Batan Teknologi
READ MORE - Lowongan Kerja Batan Teknologi (Persero) Terbaru

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Penerimaan Pegawai Perum Peruri Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja Perum Peruri. PERUM PERURI was founded on September 15, 1971, and is a combination of two companies namely PN. Pertjetakan Kebajoran or PN. PERKEBA, and PN. Artha Yasa. The establishment is in accordance with Government Regulation No. 60 of 1971, subsequently amended by Government Regulation No. 25 in 1982, later amended by Government Regulation No. 34 of 2000 and refined for the last time through Government Regulation No. 32 of 2006.

Lowongan Kerja Perum Peruri
Perusahaan Umum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia (PERUM PERURI) need of professionals as follows;
  1. Staff Sekretaris Perusahaan (SEK).
  2. Staff Hukum (HUK)
  3. Staff Pengembangan Organisasi (POR)
  4. Staff Pengamanan (PAM)
  5. Staff Pengembangan Pasar (SAR)
  6. Staff Desain Produk (DES)
  7. Staff Pengembangan Produk & Teknologi (PPT)
  8. Staff Perencanaan & Pengendalian Produksi (REN)
  9. Staff Teknologi Informasi (INF)
  10. Staff Akuntansi (KUN)
  11. Staff Pengembangan SDM (SDM)
  12. Staff Penggajian & Remunerasi (PGR)
Special Requirements:
  • D3,Sekretaris (1)
  • S1 Hukum Perdata (2, 4)
  • S1 Teknik Industri (3, 8)
  • S1 Ekonomi Manajemen (5)
  • S1 Seni Rupa/Desain Grafis/Desain Komunikasi Visual (6)
  • S1 Teknik Informatika/Eko Manajemen (7, 9)
  • D3 Akuntansi (10)
  • S1 Psikologi (11)
  • D3 Manajemen Komputer/Informatika (12)
General Requirements
  • Physical and Spiritual Health
  • Minimum GPA 2.80 (scale 4:00)
  • Maximum age 28 years (the limit of the oldest born October 10, 1983)
  • Active English language (spoken and written)
  • Have good interpersonal skills, loyalty and high integration
  • Preferably work experience in the field who have at least 2 years
  • not married
Candidates who meet these qualifications can enroll online for the position no later than October 10, 2011 through: www.ppsdmconsultant.com

by attaching:
  • Scan diploma in accordance with the requirements of proposed position (jpeg / gif 100kb max)
  • Scan transcript (1 page that lists GPA, format jpeg / gif 100kb max)
  • Scan a valid ID card (1 side of the page of data, format jpeg / gif 100kb max)
  • Scan a picture of yourself (colored half body, format jpeg / gif 100kb max)
Only qualified applicants with the best qualifications to be included in the selection process further.
Lowongan Kerja Perum Peruri
READ MORE - Penerimaan Pegawai Perum Peruri Terbaru

Penerimaan Pegawai PT KAI (Persero) Terbaru


Lowongan Kerja PT Kereta Api Indonesia ~ PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa transportasi terbesar di Indonesia, yang mengutamakan profesionalisme dan kinerja, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga berpengalaman untuk ditempatkan sebagai tenaga ahli Setingkat Staf Madya bidang Akuntansi dan Perpajakan dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

Bagian Akuntansi :
  1. Membutuhkan 30 orang Akuntansi;
  2. Pendidikan S1/S2 Akuntansi
  3. Memiliki Sertifikat Register Akuntan (Lulus PPAk) ;
Bagian Perpajakan :
  1. Membutuhkan 12 orang Perpajakan
  2. Pendidikan S1 Akuntansi/Perpajakan
  3. Memiliki Brevet pajak A, B
  4. Diutamakan memiliki Sertifikat Register Akuntan (Lulus PPAk)
Kriteria Pelamar :
  • Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
  • Usia setinggi-tingginya 40 Tahun per 30 September 2011
  • Pendidikan S1/S2 dari perguruan tinggi negeri/swasta yang terakreditasi � A�
  • IPK serendah-rendahnya 3,00
  • Memiliki pengalaman kerja yang Relevan sekurang-kurangnya 5 (lima) Tahun sejak tanggal kelulusan pada BUMN, Perusahaan Swasta Nasional atau Persekutuan Tenaga Ahli berskala Nasional atau Perusahaan Internasional / Global/Lembaga Negara Departmen/Non Departemen.
  • Memiliki TOEFL Internet Based Test (IBT) dengan score 80
  • Berkelakuan Baik
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah kerja perusahaan
  • Lulus dalam setiap tahapan seleksi.
Persyaratan umum lamaran :
Surat lamaran (ditulis tangan) dan ditandatangani diatas materai Rp.6.000,00 (enam ribu rupiah) oleh peserta dengan melampirkan :
  • Fotocopy ijazah S1/S2 yang telah dilegalisir
  • Fotocopy transkrip nilai S1/S2 yang telah dilegalisir
  • Fotocopy Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku
  • Fotocopy Sertifikat TOEFL Internet Based Test (IBT) dengan score 80
  • Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 X 6 cm, sebanyak 4 (empat) buah dengan diberi nama dibelakangnya
  • Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik dari Kepolisian yang masih berlaku
  • Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter
  • Surat Pernyataan Bersedia di tempatkan diseluruh wilayah perusahaan bermaterai Rp. 6.000,00
  • Curiculum Vitae, mencantumkan pengalaman bekerja sampai dengan saat ini
  • Fotocopy sertifikat keahlian/kejuruan
Tahapan seleksi terdiri dari :
a. Tahap I : Seleksi Administrasi
b. Tahap II : Tes Kesehatan (diselenggarakan di Jakarta pada hari sabtu/minggu)
c. Tahap III : Wawancara (diselenggarakan di Jakarta pada hari sabtu/minggu)

Prosedur melamar :
  • Pengumuman Rekrut akan diumumkan di Surat Kabar Nasional dan Web
  • Dokumen persyaratannya dimasukkan dalam amplop cokelat tertutup dan di sudut kiri ditulis jenis pekerjaan yang diinginkan (contoh : Akuntansi) serta dikirim melalui pos paling lambat tanggal 7 Oktober 2011 dengan alamat : 
PO BOX 1905 Bandung 40000.
  • Dokumen persyaratan yang sudah diterima Panitia Rekrut diseleksi secara administrasi
  • Pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan administrasi akan dipanggil melalui web : www.kereta-api.co.id pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2011
Ketentuan lainnya :
  • Setiap pelaksanaan seleksi, peserta wajib membawa kartu tanda peserta
  • Lamaran yang sudah dikirim tidak dikembalikan.
  • Dalam proses seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun dan dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan.
  • Keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

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Lowongan Kerja PT Kereta Api Indonesia
READ MORE - Penerimaan Pegawai PT KAI (Persero) Terbaru

Penerimaan Pegawai PTPN VIII Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja PTPN 8 ~ PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero), abbreviated PTPN VIII, is Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises engaged in the tea plantations, rubber, quinine, cocoa, palm oil, and gutta-percha. Corporate headquarters is located in Bandung with operations in West Java. Its headquarters is located at Jalan Sindangsirna no. 4 Bandung, West Java.

Until now, PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII manages 41 gardens and a hospital unit. spread over 11 districts / cities in West Java and two districts in Banten Province.

PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero) provide the opportunity for Indonesia's best sons and daughters for a career and build companies with the following requirements:
  1. Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
  2. Gender: Men and Women
  3. Maximum age of 31 December 2011:
    • Bachelor (S1) 28 years
    • Diploma (DIII) 25 years
  4. Education:
    • Bachelor (SI):
      • Bachelor of Agriculture (Code - TAN) 
      • Bachelor of Economics: Accounting & Management (Code - EKO) 
      • Bachelor of Law (Code - Huk) 
      • Bachelor of Engineering: Environmental Engineering & Industrial Engineering (Code - TEK SI) 
    • Diploma III: 
      • Diploma III: Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (code - TEK DIII) 
  5. GPA minimum 2.75 (PTN / PTS Accreditation A) and 3.00 (other PTS) 
  6. Physically and mentally healthy and not color blind 
  7. Well-behaved 
  8. Applications submitted in sealed envelopes furnished 3 pieces of recent color photographs size 4 × 6 and the left upper envelope proposal that included Education Code, No later than October 6, 2011. 
Application Letter Send To:

Panitia Rekruitment PTPN VIII 
Up: Bagian SDM 
 Jl. Sindangsirna No.4 Bandung – 40153
Lowongan Kerja PTPN 8
READ MORE - Penerimaan Pegawai PTPN VIII Terbaru