Feature Job

Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Want to be Achievment Employees or Success Enterpreneurs?

First, set your life goals. Visualize the next 50-10 years, you want to be right. Which is more powerful, high performing employees want to be or become a successful entrepreneur? Set your life goals using SMART principles (Specific-Measurable-Attainable-Realistic-Timebound). Specific mean achievement in any field you want to accomplish, as what, in what business, Measurable benchmarks to ensure there is certainly a barometer of success, Attainable is slightly above your ability so that it will provoke adrenaline to achieve goals, Realistic goals needed to ensure quite realistic, time-bound is clear when you can make it happen.

Second, try to focus on that goal. Focus on the positive potential that you have, to reach their goals, ie what knowledge, skills, support, positive attitude, supporters of capital owned. Try not to enlarge the existing weaknesses, so you stay motivated to realize your goals, do not easily give up obstacles you face.

For example, if you're currently deciding entrepreneurship, the focus on what skills they have, which already possesses the knowledge, valuable lessons from the experiences gained, which has built up a network, existing staff, and think about how to optimize resources this.

For the current capital solutions, you can consider whether to cover the increase in the company's working lives so they can save money for business investment, through capital borrowing (if possible), invite other investors to join, or other creative solutions.

Join The Community
Find a mentor in the field of entrepreneurship that will guide you step back to review during the last six months. Then explore what factors cause you have not succeeded in achieving targets and profit, thus shrinking capital. Participate in entrepreneurial communities similar and different from the business, to expand insight into the occupied areas, as well as a brilliant mimic and modify ideas in marketing and selling products / services. Maybe you need a more aggressive approach to better understand the market share their profile. That way, you know what's growing customer demand for products / services you offer. Expand informal research on your business.

Find a Job Challenge
When in an effort to save money, you feel bored with the current job, try to find new keasikan. Consult the supervisor in the workplace, is it possible you are given the challenge to the work / new projects more kompeks, if you can follow the seminar / training funded job-related companies so that they can work more optimal and more effective. Consider the possibility of changes to other parts that are more suitable to the interests and educational background, if possible and available vacancies.

If it was so anticlimactic, try working in another company in the field of employment that are better suited to the interests and academic background, with the main objective remains focused on entrepreneurship, so the perfect opportunity, so the collected capital, you are ready to resign.

In essence, feeling bored, lazy, usually arise because a person feel less challenged, due to run routine. The energy seemed drained. Discover the new challenges that make your job motivation increased again. Whatever the challenge, if you decide to work or entrepreneurship, sikapi with a tough, tactical insight and association and expand the business, so an alternative solution to open more widely. Welcome browse our potential to find a solution to your issue of this. (Sumber: kmp)

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